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Voucher deal postage will vary dependent on the deal you have purchased, but should be detailed on the voucher code email that you've been sent by your deal provider.
All fast deliveries are fully trackable online and require a signature. You will be allocated an hour delivery window. You will be sent a tracking link upon dispatch.
Area | Carrier | Parcel Weight | Time | Price |
England, Scotland, Wales † | DPD | N/A |
Next Working Day | £8.39 |
England, Scotland, Wales † | DPD | N/A | on Saturday | £14.99 |
Highlands & Islands of Scotland † | DPD | N/A | 2 days | £16.79 |
Channel Islands | DPD | N/A | 2/3 days | £16.79 |
Northern Ireland, Isle of Man & Scilly | DPD | N/A | 2/3 days | £16.79 |
† Postcodes in Scotland beginning FK17-99 ,G83, IV1-28, IV33-39, IV52-54, IV63, KW1-14, PA21-33, PA34-40, PH18-26, PH30, PH31-41, PH49-50, HS1-9, IV40-51, IV55-56, KA27-28, KW15-17, PA20, PA41-49, PA60-78, PH42-44, ZE1-3 are all classed as Highlands & Islands of Scotland
All parcels are trackable and require a signature. Notification will be sent upon dispatch and a link provided for tracking.
Area | Carrier | Parcel Weight | Time | Price |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 0g - 100g | From 2 days | £3.25 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 101g - 250g | From 2 days | £3.56 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 251g - 500g | From 2 days | £3.90 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 501g - 750g | From 2 days | £4.45 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 751g - 999g | From 2 days | £5.52 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail/DPD |
1kg - 5kg | From 2 days | £7.19 |
All unrecorded parcels are untrackable and do not require a signature. Notification will be sent upon dispatch.
If you use this method for delivery we are unable to assume the risk in the unlikely event that your parcel is not received.
Area | Carrier | Weight | Time | Price |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 0g - 100g | From 2 days | £1.93 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 101g - 250g | From 2 days | £2.24 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 251g - 500g | From 2 days | £2.58 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 501g - 750g | From 2 days | £3.13 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 751g - 999g | From 2 days | £4.20 |
Weights are based on product weight, but may factor in dimensions and packaging also.
Voucher deal postage will vary dependent on the deal you have purchased, but should be detailed on the voucher code email that you've been sent by your deal provider.
All fast deliveries are fully trackable online and require a signature. You will be allocated an hour delivery window. You will be sent a tracking link upon dispatch.
Area | Carrier | Parcel Weight | Time | Price |
England, Scotland, Wales † | DPD | N/A |
Next Working Day | £8.39 |
England, Scotland, Wales † | DPD | N/A | on Saturday | £14.99 |
Highlands & Islands of Scotland † | DPD | N/A | 2 days | £16.79 |
Channel Islands | DPD | N/A | 2/3 days | £16.79 |
Northern Ireland, Isle of Man & Scilly | DPD | N/A | 2/3 days | £16.79 |
† Postcodes in Scotland beginning FK17-99 ,G83, IV1-28, IV33-39, IV52-54, IV63, KW1-14, PA21-33, PA34-40, PH18-26, PH30, PH31-41, PH49-50, HS1-9, IV40-51, IV55-56, KA27-28, KW15-17, PA20, PA41-49, PA60-78, PH42-44, ZE1-3 are all classed as Highlands & Islands of Scotland
All recorded parcels are trackable and require a signature. Notification will be sent upon dispatch and a link provided for tracking.
Area | Carrier | Parcel Weight | Time | Price |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 0g - 100g | From 2 days | £3.25 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 101g - 250g | From 2 days | £3.56 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 251g - 500g | From 2 days | £3.90 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 501g - 750g | From 2 days | £4.45 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 751g - 999g | From 2 days | £5.52 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail/DPD |
1kg - 5kg | From 2 days | £7.19 |
All unrecorded parcels are untrackable and do not require a signature. Notification will be sent upon dispatch.
If you use this method for delivery we are unable to assume the risk in the unlikely event that your parcel is not received.
Area | Carrier | Weight | Time | Price |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 0g - 100g | From 2 days | £1.93 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 101g - 250g | From 2 days | £2.24 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 251g - 500g | From 2 days | £2.58 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 501g - 750g | From 2 days | £3.13 |
United Kingdom | Royal Mail | 751g - 999g | From 2 days | £4.20 |
Weights are based on product weight, but may factor in dimensions and packaging also.
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